Difference between school AP and outside AP

Advance placements are conscious decision taken by the student even before their university admissions. How does a child decide on which AP to take ? The following steps will guide or give them an overview of how to approach the AP. Here are many advantages to taking more challenging classes. In addition to possibly giving you an edge in college admissions, the courses could also have a positive effect on your college life.

  • When choosing AP classes prioritize subjects that are genuinely interesting to you and you would like to continue in college before you choose AP classes just for the sake of AP. Also, think about your grade level and experience with AP classes before signing up.
  • AP courses are more challenging classes than the general or college preparatory courses the majority of students take. If a college offers merit aid or scholarships, GPA and test scores are usually used to determine the amount the student receives. Even if your high school transcript is on a 4.0 scale, many colleges will recalculate GPAs to take into account AP courses. Typically, AP courses are on a 5.0 scale. At many institutions, a higher GPA can translate directly into more merit aid.
  • If you choose to take the AP tests and receive a 4 or 5, many colleges will award you college credit. With enough of these, you could accumulate significant college credit before even enrolling in college. 
  • Not all online AP courses are approved by the College Board.

 If your school does not offer AP courses, don’t worry—top colleges use holistic admissions, which essentially mean that they consider all aspects of your application and circumstance…

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