Career in Information Technology, Simulation & Gaming

Information Technology, Simulation & Gaming

The Information Technology, Simulation & Gaming career cluster combines technology and creativity to create, manage, and innovate digital systems, software, and interactive experiences. This cluster offers a diverse range of careers that involve designing, developing, and maintaining computer systems, networks, software applications, and interactive simulations and games.

Education paths in the Information Technology, Simulation & Gaming cluster vary widely. Some roles, like software developers, may require bachelor’s degrees in computer science or related fields. Others, like network administrators or graphic designers, may require associate degrees or relevant certifications.

Career Options

Career in the Information Technology, Simulation & Gaming cluster offers exciting opportunities to shape the digital world, create innovative solutions, and contribute to various industries. If you’re interested in technology, creative expression, and problem-solving, exploring careers in this cluster could lead to a dynamic and fulfilling future. Here’s an in-depth overview of the key components and careers within the Information Technology, Simulation & Gaming career cluster, tailored for high school students:

Professionals in this area design, code, and develop software applications, websites, and mobile apps. This includes careers such as software developers, web developers, and mobile app developers.

Network administrators manage and maintain computer networks, while cybersecurity experts protect digital systems from threats and attacks. Careers include network administrators, information security analysts, and ethical hackers.


Database administrators ensure the effective storage and organization of data, crucial for businesses and organizations. They design and manage databases that support various applications.

Game designers and developers create interactive video games and virtual experiences. This includes roles such as game designers, game programmers, and game artists.

Professionals in this area create visual and audio content for various digital media platforms. Careers include animators, graphic designers, and multimedia artists.


VR and AR specialists develop immersive experiences that blend the virtual and real worlds. They create applications for entertainment, education, and training.


Data scientists analyze and interpret large datasets to extract insights and inform decision-making. They use techniques such as machine learning and data visualization.


IT support professionals assist users with technical issues, troubleshooting, and providing solutions. They ensure that computer systems run smoothly.

Cloud computing specialists manage and optimize cloud-based infrastructure, while DevOps professionals facilitate collaboration between development and IT operations teams.

Cybersecurity focuses on protecting digital systems, networks, and data from cyber threats, attacks, and unauthorized access. Cybersecurity professionals play a critical role in safeguarding sensitive information, ensuring the integrity of systems, and maintaining the overall security of digital environments

Industry-Recognized Credentials (IRCs)

Industry Recognized Credentials (IRCs) can provide high school students with valuable skills and recognition in the Information Technology, Simulation & Gaming career cluster. These credentials can enhance your resume, demonstrate expertise, and open doors to internships, entry-level jobs, and further education. Here are some IRCs that high school students can consider pursuing in this cluster:

This certification covers foundational IT concepts and is ideal for students new to the field. It’s a great starting point for those interested in pursuing other IT certifications.


This certification covers essential IT skills and is highly regarded in the industry. It’s focused on hardware and software troubleshooting and maintenance.


Microsoft offers multiple MTA certifications, including options for IT infrastructure, software development, and more. These certifications validate fundamental IT skills.


This certification introduces students to cybersecurity principles and practices, covering areas like security operations and intrusion analysis.

ACA certifications are available in various Adobe software, including Photoshop, Illustrator, and Premiere Pro. These certifications are valuable for careers in digital design and multimedia.


Unity is a popular game development platform. This certification validates programming skills relevant to game development.


Autodesk offers certifications in software like AutoCAD and Maya, which are essential for careers in 3D modeling, architecture, and design.

This program offers cybersecurity challenges and games to high school students, leading to recognition and scholarships.

 This program, offered on platforms like Coursera, covers IT support skills and prepares students for entry-level IT roles.

For students interested in supporting Apple products, this certification covers macOS troubleshooting and support.

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