Career in Manufacturing

Manufacturing The Manufacturing career cluster involves the production of goods and products through various processes, technologies, and systems. This cluster covers a wide range of industries, from traditional manufacturing and production to advanced technologies and automation. Careers in manufacturing can range from hands-on production and assembly roles to engineering and management positions. Career Options The... Read more

Career in Marketing, Sales and Service

Marketing, Sales and Service The Marketing, Sales, and Service career cluster revolves around promoting and selling products and services to meet the needs and desires of consumers. This cluster includes a range of roles that involve creating marketing strategies, building relationships with customers, and driving business growth. Career Options The Marketing, Sales, and Service career... Read more

Career in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics(STEM)

Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics(STEM) The Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) career cluster encompasses a wide range of disciplines that drive innovation, problem-solving, and scientific exploration. STEM professionals contribute to advancements in various fields, from healthcare and engineering to space exploration and computer science. Education paths in the STEM cluster vary widely. Some roles,... Read more

Career in Transportation, Distribution & Logistics

Transportation, Distribution & Logistics The Transportation, Distribution & Logistics career cluster encompasses a wide range of roles that revolve around the movement of goods, people, and resources. This cluster plays a crucial role in ensuring the efficient and effective flow of products and services across various industries. From planning and managing transportation networks to operating... Read more

Career in Architecture & Construction

Architecture and construction The Architecture and Construction career cluster encompasses roles related to designing, planning, building, and maintaining structures and physical spaces. This cluster combines creativity, technical skills, and problem-solving to create functional and aesthetically pleasing buildings and environments. Education paths in the Architecture and Construction cluster vary. Some roles, like construction trades, may require... Read more